What is Carbon Accounting?

Customers, Suppliers, Stakeholders, Boards, Managers, and Business Owners all ask about carbon accounting.

Carbon Accounting is measuring, monitoring, benchmarking and reporting an organisations Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a defined reporting period.

Carbon Accounting is not is a greener form of financial accounting.

How do you perform Carbon Accounting?

First the type and amount of emissions for which the business is responsible is identified and calculated for tCOČ-e (tonnes of COČ or equivalent) using internationally recognised methods. The result is a detailed account or inventory of a Businesses Emissions for a defined period in time. This inventory is then used in reporting emissions internally and recommending possible solutions for reduction of the business exposure to the cost of emissions.

We simplify what can be a complex and involved process.

The 3 Scopes used are defined as:

  1. Scope 1: Direct Emissions - emissions from sources owned or controlled by the business.
  2. Scope 2: Electricity/Energy indirect emissions - emissions from the generation of electricity/energy which is purchased or imported by the business.
  3. Scope 3: Other indirect emissions - emissions from other sources related to the activity of the business.

Note: Scope 3 emissions are optional and some may not be included depending on their size.

Mandatory or Voluntary Reporting

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) is currently in effect with mandatory reporting thresholds for emissions. Is your business over, under or nearing a mandatory reporting threshold under this scheme? Whatever your point of view many suppliers, contracts and investors will require some form of Carbon Emission analysis and reporting.

R2R Consultancy Services Pty Ltd Measures, Monitors and Recommends Business Carbon Emissions with the objective of reducing Emissions and thus reducing costs.